Wednesday, January 01, 2025
On this day: BBC Wikipedia

 Streaming on (update)

I can now see the chats while I am streaming so come check it out.

See Ya There!

Tuesday, October 08, 2024
On this day: BBC Wikipedia

Streaming on

 I won't be able to respond to chatters while I'm in the game matches, I need someone to help me set up OBS so I can read the chat while I'm playing...

You can find me here:

Monday, April 01, 2024
On this day: BBC Wikipedia

I'm Back

 Well sort of... My Son got me back into playing and I been going nutz with Quake Champions with a little Counter Strike 2 and a few others... Man things have changed since I was gaming a lot back in the day... Been playing a lot in the practice room against Bots and doing pretty good, I feel I'm ready to play against other players but haven't found any in the Play Quick Match rooms...

Anyways it's hard to believe this Blog is coming up on 20-years this coming August... All I can say is WOW!!!..

I'll be back sometime in the near future.. LOL

Sunday, August 23, 2020
On this day: BBC Wikipedia


 Our future is right here!!!!!!  Here on the ground we stand on and not being made in a country in another part of the world!!!...

Bring jobs back where they belong... Our forefathers started building their future right here, for themselves and those can came after them and we need to do the same...

                                                                        Keith L. Dick

                                                                        August 23rd 2020

Friday, December 07, 2018
On this day: BBC Wikipedia

We should be building a better future not better war machines.

Enough said.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018
On this day: BBC Wikipedia

A Quote for the New Year

Seems we got screwed by the FCC anyways, typical of those Losers!!!!

So here's my latest Quote, which I also taught to my Artificial Intelligence program... hehe

"The hope of the future is that we as humans evolve beyond the petty things that hold us back at the present."

- Keith L. Dick 2018

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
On this day: BBC Wikipedia


It looks like only 'WE THE PEOPLE' can do this since the big Tech Companies are Chickening out this time..  There's no reason for them to give away the internet to companies that will profit from the decision, it's not like they aren't making enough money as it is...

The government is suppose to be working for us, not the other way around and we do not want this decision to go through... Here's a place you can go and help us "Save the Internet from Corruption"...


We need to make this happen or you and your wallets will be a lot less happy if  Net Neutrality is dead... If you do nothing then you will get what you deserve!!!

Doing Nothing is why Washington is the way it is these days, those in the Government no longer work for us, they work for making them self's Wealthier.!!!! SO GET OFF YOUR ASSES!!! and help us make this happen!!!!

It makes me sad that is no longer a country where "WE THE PEOPLE" matters, it seems to now be a country where the Rich keep making the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer...




LifeTime Gamer™ & All Written Content, Copyright Keith L. Dick 2004-2020 LifeTime Gamer Character(s)™, Keith L. Dick & Chad "MrHead!" O'Malley

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